Destiny 2 Error Code Beaver – 4 Ways to Fix!
Encountered Error code beaver issue in Destiny? The issue is common and often occurs when something is conflicting with our router due to misconfiguration.
If you’re searching for the solutions to get rid of the Destiny 2 Error Code Beaver problem then you’re absolutely at the right place. Here’s in this guide we will be discussing the error and the potential reasons that causing this error code and lastly will go to the root of the cause and try to troubleshoot this error with some proven ways.
So if you want to get rid of this and play Destiny 2 without any hassle and pause then keep reading this post till the end.
What is Error Code Beaver?
If you pay a visit to Bungie’s website and try to find out error code beaver there you will find that a Beaver error is – caused by a failure to connect your console to another player via the internet.
It is explained there that the reasons you encountered could be many including packet loss, network or router configuration issues, internet congestion….etc. Actually the list is literally endless.
The most common issue regarding error code beaver is when multiple consoles are trying to connect through a single router into the internet.
Maybe the error code beaver pops in because of a fault at the Bungie’s end. Please do not fret if you find everything normal at your end and yet this beaver code comes up.
There are some ways to resolve them. One of the reasons for this problem could be peer-to-peer connections instead of dedicated servers that are being used by Bungie. Maybe someday they are going to resolve that. It could be because of DDoS attackers as well. They could well be the reason for internet connection crowding.
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4 Ways to Fix Bungie Error Code Beaver
So are there any ways to mitigate beaver code then? Well, there are some ways but they can only be helpful to a certain extent and there are no guarantees that they are going to work for sure. But nevertheless, you can still try, maybe it’s going to work out.
Enabling UPnP
One typically encounters the beaver (code) while playing through routers. One of the ways is by enabling UPnP, i.e., Universal Plug and Play on your router. There are a plethora of routers in the market so we possibly cannot go into each one of them and tell “how to enable UPnP”. Therefore, you can type the name of the router and search for “how to enable UPnP”.
Modify the NAT Settings of your Router
You can check the Network Address Translation or NAT setting in your router as it is yet another router-based issue. You can Type 1 on the console or Open NAT Types – the least strict, allowing to connect and play with anyone.
Open Ports For Destiny 2
Still didn’t work? here’s another method that might solve the Destiny 2 Beaver Error code issue. In this way, you can forward the ports on your router.
The Ports that are need to be Forward to Destiny 2:
- For Windows PC:-
- TCP: 4000, 6112-6114
- UDP: 3074, 3097
- For PlayStation 4:-
- TCP: 1935, 3478-3480
- UDP: 3074, 3478-3479
- For Xbox One:-
- TCP: 3074
- UDP: 88, 500, 1200, 3074, 3544, 4500
You got the needed ports that will be forwarded to run Destiny 2. Now, you need to enable the port forwarding in Destiny 2 in order to make this method work.
To enable port forwarding in Destiny 2, follow the steps given below.
- Open the IP address of your router in a web browser of your PC or console to open the router’s settings page.
- There’ll be an option “Port Forwarding” you have to find this option in your router’s settings, every model has different option labeling.
- Once you’re in the Port Forwarding option, enter the all information (IP addresses of your router & PC/Console and ports for Destiny 2 mentioned above) in the respective fields.
- When it’s done, restart your router by turn it off and then turn on back again.
The ports will be forwarded and the game should be run fine.
Switch to Wired Connection
One of many reasons for seeing the error code is playing online games on a wireless connection! Online games should be played on a hardwired connection such as Optical Fibre LAN or other wired networks.
Still no luck?
Well conclusively, it may sound strange but the beaver error code is something that you can do the least about. But don’t worry Bungie has been trying to resolve it and hopefully they will come up with a solution soon. We do understand how infuriating things might feel when you are randomly disconnected in your sessions but that is where we hope to help you out by this post and reduce disconnections substantially. If you have any additional idea please don’t mind sharing it with us, thank you!