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3 Easy Ways to Mass Unsubscribe Youtube Channels at Once!

Have you ever get tired and annoyed by the notifications of the news and videos from Youtube Channels that are no longer of your interest? and want to unsubscribe those channels, I think I should say mass unsubscribe 😛

Is your Youtube Home flooded videos that you’re no longer supposed to watch them? Hell Yeah!! Even I hate this too. I always wanted to remove those Youtube Channels that I’m no longer watch from my subscription list.

And I’m a bit lazy guy to do that kind of stuff… unsubscribing channels one by one. So today I’m here to help you so you can mass unsubscribe the Youtube Channels at once it hardly takes your 5 minutes. Trust me, it’s worth removing or unsubscribing from Youtube Channels that are no longer of your interest or which you don’t like to watch anymore.

So without further ado let’s dive into this guide.

How to Mass Unsubscribe Youtube Channels at Once

To mass unsubscribe from all the Youtube Channels that you want to unsubscribe we’ve 3 easy methods to do so. These methods are so simple and quick, it will hardly take your 5 minutes to get the job done.

Method #1: The Deep-Rooted Way

This is the long approach to do this shit. This method allows you to unsubscribe Youtube channels that you want to remove from your subscription list, but it is very time consuming than the other methods.

This method is perfect if you have some interesting channels also in your subscription list that you don’t want to unsubscribe, so you won’t unsubscribe any channel that you don’t want to. Just unsubscribing from channels that no longer interest of you and stick with the ones that do!

It’s just simple, you see the list of channels that you’ve subscribed, then scroll down the whole list and unsubscribing one by one. Sounds simple but hell boring!!

Step 1: Open Youtube in Chrome or your favourite web browser in your desktop (for mobile app mentioned below)

Youtube Home
Youtube Home

Step 2: Jump into the Subscriptions list, you can’t find it, then click on the menu icon just before Youtube logo at the top-left corner.


Step 3: Now you got the list of all channels that you’ve subscribed. Now simply click on grey Subscribe button beside every channel that you want to unsubscribe and it’ll ask you again to unsubscribe from the channel in a pop-up, now the choice is yours. 😌

Popup box
Popup box

For Mobile

Step 1: Open Youtube app and tap on the Subscription button, from the bottom, then click on “All”

Step 2: Now, you should see the list of all subscribed Youtube channels

Step 3: Click on the channel the one you want to unsubscribe. just simply swipe from right to Delete the channel.

Swipe to Left

So this was the long approach its good when you’ve lots of time and have nothing to do.

But what if you don’t have much time to play this boring game. So which is why the next methods are especially for mass unsubscribing Youtube channels.

Method #2: Using Google Chrome

This method requires the use of the Google Chrome browser, you need to run a script and it will rest of the works itself. Use this method only if you don’t mind the mass unsubscribing from all Youtube channels you’ve subscribed.

After using this method, it will delete all channel from your subscription, and your Youtube account becomes the same as the new account, where there’s no Youtube channels and no personalized recommendations.

Tip: Before using applying this method, make the list of all channels that you don’t want to remove or unsubscribe because it will mass unsubscribe all the Youtube Channels from your account. It is just like the Factory resetting your phone or wiping out the memory.

Let’s dive into this.

Step 1: Jump on the Youtube and go to the Subscription


Step 2: Now you should see the list of all youtube channel in your account.

Step 3: Then keep scrolling the page until you reach the bottom of the page and the very last subscribed channel in your subscription list.

Step 4: Now all the channels appear on the page, then right-click anywhere on the page and select the option Inspect Element.

Inspect Element

Step 5: Then simply click on the Console tab or if the laziness won’t let you do this, let me tell you a shortcut to do the same thing, just hit the Ctrl + Shift + J

Console Tab

Step 6: Now, simply copy-paste the code given below into the Console tab and press Enter.

var i = 0;

var myVar = setInterval(myTimer, 3000);

function myTimer () {

var els = document.getElementById("grid-container").getElementsByClassName("ytd-expanded-shelf-contents-renderer");

if (i < els.length) {

els[i].querySelector("[aria-label^='Unsubscribe from']").click();

setTimeout(function () {

var unSubBtn = document.getElementById("confirm-button").click();

}, 2000);

setTimeout(function () {


}, 2000);



console.log(i + " unsubscribing process completed!");

console.log(els.length + " remaining");


Step 7: Now sit back and eat popcorn, it will do rest all the things.

See that it says “unsubscribing process completed!”
See that it says “unsubscribing process completed!

It's done!

Now, do make sure by refreshing the page and check that all the Channels has been gone 😀 and now it's just showing your best Recommendations means there are no channels in your list that have subscribed.

Method #3: Alternative to Method #2

If you find above script not working for you or some of the channels remain in your subscription list then try with this different script.

Just follow the above method, but this time use this below code instead of above one.

var i = 0;

var myVar = setInterval(myTimer, 200);

function myTimer () {

    var els = document.getElementById("contents").getElementsByClassName("ytd-subscribe-button-renderer");

    if (i < els.length) {


        setTimeout(function () {

            var unSubBtn = document.getElementById("confirm-button").click();

        }, 500);

        setTimeout(function () {


        }, 1000);


    console.log(i + " unsubscribed");
    console.log(els.length + " remaining");

That's it!


Hopefully, you've got some ways to mass unsubscribe from Youtube channels. If for some reason it didn't work, feel free to let me know in the comments. Don't forget to share this post with your friends those who also getting annoying from the lots of channels notification and unnecessary videos suggestion. If you have a Youtube Channel and struggling to gain subscriber, then I recommend you to do read our this post on how to gain Youtube follower easily and effectively. Stay tuned and subscribe to this blog, for more interesting posts like this!