WoW Classic Dungeon Levels and Instances List
Welcome to our WoW Classic Dungeon Levels lists. This list gives you an idea about how powerful you need to be for all 20 Wow Classic Dungeons. This list featuring all the required ranges of levels that you’ll need to reach the Dungeons in the vanilla version of World of Warcraft Classic.
The Dungeons in World of Warcraft are the overground place where you need to reach the maximum levels to reach the Dungeon. The Dungeons are located in different cities on the map of World of Warcraft Classic. By entering inside a dungeon you’ll have to face the bosses, ogres, and other demons. Once you kill the master a dungeon it’ll drop loot and you can easily collect them up.
The updated list for Classic WoW Dungeon levels with the requirements and ranges in order to reach the instances.
WoW Classic Dungeon Levels & Instances
Here’s the comprehensive list of Wow Classic Dungeons Levels that you need to reach to enter the Dungeons. We’ve compiled this list of Dungeons where you have to battle and their minimum level as well as the recommended level that you must reach in order to win. Also, there’s the group size of respective Dungeon instances.
Dungeons | Minimum Level | Recommended Level | Player Limit (Max) |
Ragefire Chasm | 10 | 13-18 | 5 (10) |
Wailing Caverns | 10 | 17-24 | 5 (10) |
The Deadmines | 10 | 18-23 | 5 (10) |
Shadowfang Keep | 14 | 22-30 | 5 (10) |
Blackfathom Deeps | 15 | 20-30 | 5 (10) |
The Stockade | 15 | 22-30 | 5 (10) |
Gnomeregan | 19 | 24-34 | 5 (10) |
Razorfen Kraul | 25 | 30-40 | 5 (10) |
Scarlet Monastery | 21 | 26-45 | 5 (10) |
Razorfen Downs | 35 | 40-50 | 5 (10) |
Uldaman | 30 | 35-45 | 5 (10) |
Zul’Farrak | 39 | 42-46 | 5 (10) |
Maraudon | 30 | 46-55 | 5 (10) |
Temple of Atal’Hakkar | 45 | 55-60 | 5 (10) |
Blackrock Depths | 48 | 52-60 | 5 |
Lower Blackrock Spire | 48 | 55-60 | 5 (10) |
Upper Blackrock Spire | 48 | 55-60 | 10 |
Dire Maul | 48 | 55-60 | 5 |
Scholomance | 48 | 58-60 | 5 |
Stratholme | 48 | 58-60 | 5 |
WoW Classic Dungeons by Levels, Encounters, Loots & Locations
Here’s the brief description of each WoW Classic Dungeons Levels and Instances including the Dungeons’ locations, Notable Loots, and the Boss Encounters. Updating till the day.
Ragefire Chasm – 13-18
Ragefire Chasm is the first dungeon available to the player’s Horde Faction instances. This dungeon located in the city Orgrimmar and its entrance is set within a volcano filled with the weak Troggs. There’ll you reach the immortals Offleflint depends upon the city which boss you will face.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Taragaman the Hungerer
- Oggleflint
- Bazzalan
Loots 💰
- Robe of Evocation
- Cursed Felblade
- Chanting Blade
Locations 📍
- Orgrimmar
- Durotar
Wailing Caverns – 17-24
Wailing Caverns, the second instance located directly in the city “The Barrens” easy to reach for the Horde players. Alliance players can also get in this dungeon but they have to take a long way to reach the Wailing Caverns. You may have to face the demons, Lord Cobrahn, and get the useful notable loots.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Kresh, Skum, Lady Anacondra, Lord Cobrahn
- Lord Pythas, Lord Serpentis, Verdan the Everliving
- Mutanus the Devourer, Deviate Faerie Dragon
Loots 💰
- Boahn’s Fang, Venomstrike, Stinging Viper
- Kresh’s Back, Robe of the Moccasin, Cobrahn’s Grasp
- Serpent’s Shoulders, Serpent Gloves, Savage Trodders, Deep Fathom Ring
- Embrace of the Viper Set: Leggings of the Fang, Armor of the Fang, Gloves of the Fang, Belt of the Fang, Footpads of the Fang
Locations 📍
- The Barrens
The Deadmines – 18-23
Irrespective of Horde players, The Deadmines has situated in the origin of the Westfall easy to make a trip for Alliance players. Alliance can enter this dungeon and they’ll face the brutish man and you have to encounter to reach the next level. The entrance of Deadmines begins with greater cavern and ending with the vessel.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Rhahk’zor, Sneed, Gilnid
- Edwin VanCleef, Cookie, Miner Johnson
- Mr. Smite, Captain Greenskin
Loots 💰
- Smite’s Mighty Hammer, Cruel Barb, Emberstone Staff, Cookie’s Tenderizer
- Defias Leather set: Blackened Defias Armor, Blackened Defias Belt, Blackened Defias Boots, Blackened Defias Gloves, Blackened Defias Leggings
Locations 📍
- Westfall
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Shadowfang Keep – 22-30
This dungeon also knows as SFK located directly in Silverpune Forest. This one protects the Nobel of Razorclaw the Butcher and Baron Silverline from the players. Horde players have to get to the top f the tower in the city where the final boss Arugal lives. Actually this is the medical kinda location where Alliance players can also enter who have quests related to SFK.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Razorclaw the Butcher, Baron Silverlaine, Fenrus the Devoure
- Odo the Blindwatcher, Archmage Arugal, Deathsworn Captain
- Commander Springvale, Wolf Master Nandos
Loots 💰
- Meteor Shard, Commander’s Crest
- Baron’s Scepter
- Feline Mantle, Silverlaine’s Family Seal
Locations 📍
- Silverpine Forest
Blackfathom Deeps – 20-30
Blackfathom Deeps or BFD quite similar to the second dungeon Wailing Caverns. AS this dungeon is large enough. However, you will find the way to dungeon easily but it might be tough for you to get inside the BFD because this dungeon located in Ashenvale. Where you’ll encounter the ogres like Aku’mai once you entered the dungeon.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Lorgus Jett, Twilight Lord Kelris, Gelihast, Aku’mai
- Ghamoo-ra, Baron Aquanis
- Old Serra’kis Lady Sarevess
Loots 💰
- Strike of the Hydra, Rod of the Sleepwalker
- Naga Heartpiercer
- Tortoise Armor, Reef Axe
Locations 📍
- Ashenvale
The Stockade – 22-30
Another instance for the Alliance players where the Ragefire Chasm for Alliance players located in the Human capital of Stormwind City. This dungeon is fairly easy to win and encounter the boss but it may not be profitable for you sine loots are not so good. Even the boss doesn’t drop much loot they rarely drop a blue item.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Targorr the Dread, Kam Deepfury
- Hamhock, Bruegal Ironknuckle
- Bazil Thredd, Dextren Ward
Loots 💰
- Kam’s Walking Stick, Defias Renegade Ring
- Only from Bruegal Ironknuckle: Iron Knuckles, Prison Shank
Locations 📍
- Stormwind City
- Elwynn Forest
Gnomeregan – 24-34
Gnomeregan is the capital city of Gnomes and this dungeon is exclusively to reach by the Alliance players. However, the Horder player can also get inside it but it will take a long trip. The Gnomeregan dungeon located in Dun Morogh. This Dungeon used to be invaded by the Troggs and ogres that were later eventually infected by those Troggs. You’ll face the boss like Electrocutioner 6000 that’s the reason behind this infected dungeon by the radioactive waste which is a hazardous waste.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Viscous Fallout, Grubbis, Crowd Pummeler 9-60
- Electrocutioner 6000
- Dark Iron Ambassador
- Mekgineer Thermaplugg
Loots 💰
- Hydrocane, Toxic Revenger, Electrocutioner’s Leg
- Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator
- Manual Crowd Pummeler
Locations 📍
- Dun Morogh
Razorfen Kraul – 30-40
Like Wailing Caverns, this dungeon also located in The Barrens but in the southern part. There you’ll find the dozens of Quilboars in RazorFen Kraul. In this instance, you’ll get the pretty good loots that make worth entering this dungeon and encounter the boss for the items they drop.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Aggem Thorncurse, Agathelos the Raging, Charlga Razorflank
- Roogug, Death Speaker Jargba, Overlord Ramtusk
- Blind Hunter (rare), Earthcaller Halmga
Loots 💰
- Corpsemaker, Swinetusk Shank
- Agamaggan’s Clutch, Tusken Helm
- Heart of Agamaggan
Locations 📍
- The Barrens
Scarlet Monastery – 26-45
One of the craziest dungeon in the Wow Classic vanilla version. Scarlet Monastery located in the Southern parts of Tirisfal Glades which were originally known as a place of priests. The Scarlet Monastery may get you the endless amount of overzealous fanatics from the Scarlet Crusade and some pretty good loot. This one is easy to reach for the Horde players, although Alliance can also enter technically it will take them hell lot of time. This dungeon is divided into 4 wings each contains several ogres and demons to fight with your group.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Armory: Herod
- Graveyard: Interrogator Vishas, Bloodmage Thalnos, Azshir the Sleepless (rare), Fallen Champion (rare), Ironspire (rare)
- Library: Houndmaster Loksey, Arcanist Doan
- Cathedral: High Inquisitor Fairbanks, Scarlet Commander Mograine, High Inquisitor Whitemane
Loots 💰
- Deadman’s Hand, Torturing Poker, Ravager, Mograine’s Might, Illusionary Rod, Whitemane’s Chapeau
- Chain of the Scarlet Crusade Set: Scarlet Chestpiece, Scarlet Gauntlets, Scarlet Wristguards, Scarlet Leggings, Scarlet Boots, Scarlet Belt
Locations 📍
- Tirisfal Glades
Razorfen Downs – 40-50
Razorfen Downs is located directly opposite the Razorfen Kraul in the same city as The barrens. To make your way to the dungeon you’ll have to face the wave of the quilboar so defeat them and enter the dungeon.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Mordresh Fire Eye, Ragglesnout (rare)
- Tuten’kash, Glutton
- Amnennar the Coldbringer, Plaguemaw the Rotting (summoned)
Loots 💰
- Icemetal Barbute, Coldrage Dagger
- Glowing Eye of Mordresh, Glutton’s Cleaver
- Plaguerot Sprig, Glowing Eye of Mordresh
Locations 📍
- The Barrens
Uldaman – 35-45
Uldaman dungeon is also known as Ulda which is a Titan grave found hidden in the top of Badlands. In this dungeon, you’ll have to fight with the all boss ad encounter them in order to reach the heart of Uldaman. And No doubt the filled with the ogres with some pretty good loot.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Revelosh, Ironaya, Obsidian Sentinel, Ancient Stone Keeper
- Grimlok, Archaedas, The Lost Dwarves (horde only)
- Galgann Firehammer
Loots 💰
- The Rockpounder, Ironshod Bludgeon
- Cragfists, Archaedic Stone
- Galgann’s Fireblaster, Grimlok’s Charge
- Archaedic Stone
Locations 📍
- Badlands
Zul’Farrak – 42-46
ZUL’FARRAK is another dungeon and a piece of large fantasy equipment found in the origins of Tanaris. Tanaris is the best known for the desert. You need to discover the places around the Tanaris desert and you’ll find some powerful boss. To make your way to the ZulFarak dungeon you have clear all the demons and monsters.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Theka the Martyr, Antu’sul, Witch Doctor Zum’rah, Sandfury Executioner
- Sergeant Bly & Co, Ruuzlu, Hydromancer Velratha, Zerillis (rare)
- Nekrum Gutchewer, Shadowpriest Sezz’ziz, Dustwraith (rare)
- Gahz’rilla, Chief Ukorz Sandscalp
Loots 💰
- Bad Mojo Mask, Jinxed Hoodoo Kilt, Gahz’rilla Scale Armor
- Sang’thraze the Deflector & Jang’thraze the Protector
- Zum’rah’s Vexing Cane
Locations 📍
- Tanaris
Maraudon – 46-55
The most vibrant and flawless Dungeon in the Vanilla version of WoW Classic. Maraudon dungeon situated in the middle of Desolace. This is also known as the Mara. This is the huge instance level and will consume your lots of time but its fairly worth completing this level, as the loots seem superb and have the useful items.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Purple Side: Tinkerer Gizlock, Lord Vyletongue
- Orange Side: Noxxion, Razorlash
- Earth Song Falls: Landslide, Rotgrip, Princess Theradras
- Poison Falls: Celebras the Cursed, Meshlok the Harvester (rare)
Loots 💰
- Blade of Eternal Darkness, Noxious Shooter, Gizlock’s Hypertech Buckler
- Elemental Rockridge Leggings, Heart of Noxxion
- Blade of Eternal Darkness, Princess Theradras’ Scepter
- Fist of Stone, Claw of Celebras, Satyr’s Lash
Locations 📍
- Desolace
Temple of Atal’Hakkar – 55-60
The Dungeon Temple of Atal’hakkar was formed when the temple was inhabited by trolls. The Location of this Templ is Swamp of Sorrow. There you’ll see the tons of bosses and clear them to make you way for the dungeon and get the interesting loot killing the monsters.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Hazzas, Morphaz, Jammal’an the Prophet
- Shade of Eranikus, Jammal’an the Prophet
- Ogom the Wretched, Weaver
- Morphaz, Dreamscythe, Avatar of Hakkar
Loots 💰
- Blade of the Wretched, Firebreather, Dragon’s Call
- Crest of Supremacy, Warrior’s Embrace
- Embrace of the Wind Serpent, Spire of Hakkar, Warrior’s Embrace
Locations 📍
- Swamp of Sorrows
Blackrock Depths – 52-60
BRD aka BlackRock Depths is one of the huge Dungeon in the Wow Classic Vanilla version, there’s so much more to explore. Regardless of the enemies and loots, you can spend your whole day exploring the BlackRock Depth instance. The location of Searing Gorge sets this dungeon. You’ll get the demons to face you can literally spend your time clearing them.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- High Interrogator Gerstahhn, Houndmaster Grebmar, Lord Roccor, Golem Lord Argelmach, Hurley Blackbreath
- Bael’gar, General Angerforge, Plugger Spazzring, Ribbly Screwspigot
- Fineous Darkvire, The Vault (Dark Keepers), Emperor Dagran Thaurissan, Panzor the Invincible (rare)
- Phalanx, Lord Incendius, Warder Stilgiss, Verek, Watchman Doomgrip
Loots 💰
- Savage Gladiator Set (from Ring of Law): Savage Gladiator Chain, Savage Gladiator Helm, Savage Gladiator Leggings, Savage Gladiator Greaves, Savage Gladiator Grips
- Ironfoe, Circle of Flame, Kindling Stave, Angerforge’s Battle Axe, Lord General’s Sword, Guiding Stave of Wisdom, The Emperor’s New Cape, Hand of Justice
Locations 📍
- Searing Gorge
Lower Blackrock Spire – 55-60
It’s an integral part of the Blackrock Spire set in the location of the Searing Gorge the same as the BRD. But LBRS is not as huge as the BRD.
However, exploring the Dungeon will help you to get the ogres to clear and get the brilliant loot across the instance. This place is known for its effective and strong healing gear so getting the loot will surely a worth.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Mother Smolderweb, Bannok Grimaxe (rare), Crystal Fang (rare), Ghok Bashguud (rare), Spirestone Butcher (rare)
- Overlord Wyrmthalak, Burning Felguard (rare), Spirestone Battle Lord (rare), Spirestone Lord Magus (rare)
- Highlord Omokk, Urok Doomhowl, Quartermaster Zigris, Halcyon, Gizrul the Slavener, War Master Voone
Loots 💰
- Pattern: Robe of the Archmage, Plans: Arcanite Reaper, Plans: Annihilator
- Mark of the Dragon Lord, Fist of Omokk, Riphook, Trindlehaven Staff
- Rhombeard Protector, Plate of the Shaman King
- Trueaim Gauntlets, Hands of Power, Talisman of Evasion, Rosewine Circle, Smolderweb’s Eye
Locations 📍
- Searing Gorge
Upper Blackrock Spire – 55-60
The upper region of the BlackRock Spire, have some similarities of LBRS but the significant difference in terms of loot and the bosses. The group of 10mplayers allows in this dungeon and it will, of course, makes the gameplay intensive to kill the powerful monster together with your mates.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Jed Runewatcher (rare), Gyth, Warchief Rend Blackhand
- Pyroguard Emberseer, Solakar Flamewreath, Goraluk Anvilcrack
- The Beast, General Drakkisth
Loots 💰
- Pattern: Red Dragonscale Breastplate,
- Recipe: Flask of Chromatic Resistance, Chromatic Carapace, Pristine Hide of the Beast
- Plans: Arcanite Champion
- Felstriker, Blackblade of Shahram, Blackhand Doomsaw, Dal’Rend’s Sacred Charge, Dal’Rend’s Tribal Guardian
- Finkle’s Skinner, Draconian Deflector, Truestrike Shoulders, Briarwood Reed
- All Tier 0 Chests, Gauntlets of Elements, Devout Mantle, Lightforge Spaulders
- Pauldrons of Elements, Spaulders of Valor
Locations 📍
- Searing Gorge
Dire Maul – 55-60
Again this dungeon split into three wings (North, East, and West). However, only the East Wing is accessible with a key found on Pusillin. North and West Wing requires the access via a key The Dire Maul located in the Feralas. Again this is another huge dungeon to spend your entire day in clearing it. You’ll face tons of ogres. You can also get a tribute chest once you finished the dungeons without encountering most of the bosses.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- North Wing: Guard Mol’dar, Stomper Kreeg, Guard Fengus, Guard Slip’kik, Captain Kromcrush, Cho’Rush the Observer, King Gordok
- East Wing: Pusilin, Zevrim Thornhoof, Hydrospawn, Lethtendris, Alzzin the Wildshaper
- West Wing: Tendris Warpwood, Illyanna Ravenoak, Magister Kalendris, Immol’thar, Prince Tortheldrin, Tsu’zee (rare) Lord Hel’nurath (summoned for warlock epic mount quest)
Loots 💰
- North Wing: Unsophisticated Hand Cannon, Jagged Bone Fist, Gordok Nose Ring, Kreeg’s Mug, Monstrous Glaive, Kromcrush’s Chestplate, Cho’Rush’s Blade, Observer’s Shield, Barbarous Blade, Crown of the Ogre King, Leggings of Destruction
- East Wing: Quel’dorai Channeling Rod, Tempest Talisman, Clever Hat, Helm of Awareness, Fiendish Machete, Ring of Demonic Guile, Ring of Demonic Potency
- West Wing: Timeworn Mace, Blade of the New Moon, Silvermoon Leggings, Force Imbued Gauntlets, Vigilance Charm, Mindtap Talisman, Petrified Bark Shield
- Tribute Chest: Rod of the Ogre Magi, Unyielding Maul, Barrier Shield, Mindsurge Robe, Counterattack Lodestone, Scarab Plate Helm
Locations 📍
- Feralas
Scholomance – 58-60
Scholomance located directly in Western Plaguelands. This is a location inside an underground necrolytic school. In this, you have a chance to get dozes of loot with several varieties.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Marduk Blackpool, Doctor Theolen Krastinov, Lorekeeper Polkelt, The Ravenian, Darkmaster Gandling, Kirtonos the Herald (summoned)
- Blood Steward of Kirtonos, Jandice Barov, Rattlegore, Death Knight Darkreaver (summoned for paladin epic mount quest)
- Instructor Malicia, Vectus, Ras Frostwhisper, Lady Illucia Barov, Lord Alexei Barov
Loots 💰
- Alanna’s Embrace, Headmaster’s Charge, Frightalon, Barovian Family Sword, Staff of Metanoia, Iceblade Hacker, Intricately Runed Shield, Shadowy Mail Greaves, Ancient Bone Bow, Ghoul Skin Leggings, Libram of Divinity, Totem of Sustaining
- Pattern: Robe of the Void, Recipe: Flask of Supreme Power
- Cadaverous Set: Cadaverous Armor, Cadaverous Belt, Cadaverous Gloves, Cadaverous Leggings, Cadaverous Walkers
- Bloodmail Set: Bloodmail Belt, Bloodmail Boots, Bloodmail Gauntlets, Bloodmail Hauberk, Bloodmail Legguards
- Necropile set: Necropile Boots, Necropile Cuffs, Necropile Leggings, Necropile Mantle, Necropile Robe
- Recipes: Recipe: Flask of Supreme Power, Pattern: Robe of the Void, Recipe: Major Mana Potion
- Deathbone Set: Deathbone Chestplate, Deathbone Gauntlets, Deathbone Girdle, Deathbone Legguards, Deathbone Sabatons
Locations 📍
- Western Plaguelands
Stratholme – 58-60
Stratholme is the famous dungeon in the World of Warcraft game. It is the exact same place where Arthas betrayed and killed his own people in Warcraft 3. In this dungeon, there are two sides. Living and Undead both sound similar but are completely different. You can enter the dungeon either the Living side or Undead Side both the entranceway to the Stratholme. You can check the enemies and loot of this dungeon.
Boss Encounters 🐉
- Living Side: Stratholme Courier, The Unforgiven, Cannon Master Wiley, Grand Crusader Dathrohan, Timmy the Cruel, Archivist Galford, Malor the Zealous, Hearthsinger Forresten (rare), Skul (rare), Postmaster Malown (summoned)
- Undead Side: Magistrate Barthilas, Ramstein the Gorger, Nerub’enkan, Maleki the Pallid, Baroness Anastari, Baron Rivendare, Stonespire (rare)
Loots 💰
- Living Side:
1. Postmaster Set: The Postmaster’s Band, The Postmaster’s Seal, The Postmaster’s Tunic, The Postmaster’s Treads, The Postmaster’s Trousers
2. Pattern: Truefaith Vestments, Plans: Heartseeker, Piccolo of the Flaming Fire
3. Book of the Dead, Soul Breaker, The Cruel Hand of Timmy, Redemption, Hammer of the Grand Crusader, Tome of Knowledge, Mask of the Unforgiven, Grand Crusader’s Helm - Undead Side:
1. Runeblade of Baron Rivendare, Peacemaker, Skullforge Reaver, Ritssyn’s Wand of Bad Mojo, Skull of Burning Shadow, Husk of Nerub’enkan, Shadowy Laced Handwraps, Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape
2. Chitinous Plate Legguards, Gauntlets of Deftness, Anastari Heirloom, Animated Chain Necklace, Ramstein’s Lightning Bolts, Idol of Brutality,
3. Plans: Hammer of the Titans, Deathcharger’s Reins
Locations 📍
- Eastern Plaguelands
So, this is the complete list of Wow Classis Dungeon Levels with the Requirements, Ranges, loots, bosses, and the location of each instance.
Frequently asked questions
The dungeon appears on the map you have to find the dungeons on your own. Although in this article we discuss the locations where you can find the dungeons easily.
To enter or reach a dungeon, first of all, you need to make a group of 5 players then select an instance, suppose the very first is Ragefire Chasm. Check the requirement of each instance by levels. If your player meets the requirement then you can enter the dungeon with your group.
There the complete 20 Dungeons and 7 Raids in the World of Warcraft Classic vanilla version.
Final Words
I hope you did like this list of WoW Classic Dungeon Levels and instances. Each level has its own unique storyline and history. You can spend your time by acknowledging this dungeons and get immoral in the game as you moving onto the next level, you’ll keep receiving the useful items from the loot.
Let us know in a comment if any level is missing in this post or something you found incorrect in this let us know in the comment. Also, share your favorite Dungeon in Vanilla Wow Classic and also do let us know how was your experience in completing these 20 Dungeons Wow Classic levels. Share this post with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Wow Subreddit or other WOW communities. Subscribe to HowToShout for more World of Warcraft guides till then stay tuned.