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Minecraft Best Enchantments for Armor, Sword, Bow, Trident, & More!

Enchanting your Minecraft items add the special powers and bonuses that can be beneficial for you in many ways. Our guide to Minecraft Best Enchantments emphasizing all of the numerous options available for the weapons, armor, and tools. Enchanting the items only possible through the Enchanting table, Anvil, and some Minecraft’s game command.

You can enchant the items via the books placing on an enchantment table. Enchanting the gear available in the Minecraft required some sort of experience and level progress. If you have the ones then you can enchant your gears including Pickaxe, Trident, Bow, Shield, Armor, Sword, Fishing, Elytra, Shovel, and other items available in the game. And as now the Minecraft Dungeons has also been released, so why do you have to wait for the learn about its enchantments? When we already have the guide to best Minecraft Dungeons Enchantment also, we recommend you to check this out later.

One thing you need to know that Enchanting doesn’t do any magic in the game it is just kind of special bonuses or assets from that you can get the most out of the gears you owned in the game. So this list of best possible enchantments that can give maximum benefit!

Best Minecraft Armor Enchantments

Armor is the primary thing when it comes to the health of the player in the long run in the game. In our Best Minecraft Enchantments Guide, we’re featuring the best armor enchantments that help you to get the most out of it and save your health efficiently.

Note: This Best Armor Minecraft Enchantment guide only contains the generic enchantment. I personally do no prefer the Fire Protection, Blast protection, or any other enchantment as they won’t give many benefits, I personally find Unbreaking, Respiration, Aqua Affinity, and Depth Strider much more useful. These are optional if you want to use then it would be your choice.

Minecraft Best Enchantments Armor, Weapons, Tools, Items
Enchanting bookshelf

Before we towards our guide, it is important to clarify that every material type has a different Enchantability. Enchantability defines how enchant the item is.

Armor Material NameEnchantability

If the item has higher Enchantability then the chances of adding multiple enchantments will also higher.


EnchantmentWeightWay(s) of Enchanting
Unbreaking III5Enchanting Table
Respiration III2Enchanting Table
Aqua Affinity2Enchanting Table
Protection V10Enchanting Table
  • Unbreaking III: Unbreaking is the powerful enchantment, it doesn’t let losing the durability of your helmet while you’re fighting with mobs. This keeps your helmet safe in the long run. And of course, it will help you not to lose health. It effectively increased the overall armor durability.
  • Respiration III: Another helmet enchantment used to extend the underwater breathing time by 15 seconds. It helps you to hold your breath longer than the usual unenchanted helmet. You can best use it when you want to explore the ocean for any
  • Aqua Affinity: Aqua Affinity has great use with the Respiration enchantment. Because it adds power to the helmet so you can do underwater mining at a high rate. So again if you want to mine in the ocean consider adding Aqua Affinity enchantment to your helmet.
  • Protection V: Protection enchantment reduces any damage by 4%. This is a must-have Minecraft armor enchantment. It is helpful with all 4 armor pieces (helmet, chest, boots, and leggings) hence you should always add this enchantment in your list.

Boots Enchantments

EnchantmentWeightWay(s) of Enchanting
Frost Walker II2Enchantment Book and Anvil
Depth Strider III2Enchanting Table
Feather Falling IV5Enchanting Table
Soul Speed III‌1Enchanting Table
  • Frost Walker II: Frost Walker help in walking on the surface of the water. It creates the frosted ice blocks of the area on the water where you stepped on. So this is another useful enchantment when you don’t want to swim or go underwater.
  • Depth Strider III: A great armor enchantment that increased the underwater movement speed. Usually, the speed is pretty slow under the water when you walk around there but Depth Strider increases the Speed of walking as well as running. However, Depth Strider and Frost Walker are mutually exclusive to boots.
  • Feather Falling IV: Most of the time when you fall from the height the damage you get was inane but Feather Falling helps you to reduces that fall damage. Further, you’ll be launch on land successful. Although Feather Falling won’t affect movement speed.
  • Soul Speed III‌: Certain places the movement speed is quite slow. like Sand and soil. Soul Speed enchantment increases your walk speed on the surfaces of soul soil block and Soul sand. After all, speed matters in productivity.

Chestplate Enchantments

EnchantmentWeightWay(s) of Enchanting
Unbreaking III5Enchanting Table
Thorns III1Enchanting Table
Protection V10Enchanting Table
  • Unbreaking III: Unbreaking is the powerful enchantment, it doesn’t let losing the durability of your Chestplate while you’re fighting with mobs. This keeps your Chestplate safe in the long run. And of course, it will help you not to lose health. It effectively increased the overall armor durability.
  • Thorns III: Thorn is the best armor enchantment for the chestplate in Minecraft. It is beneficial for you. When you’re in the battle with the mobs. It reflects the damage case by the attacker to back again on them. Thorn gives the damage back to the attacker when they hit or deal damage to this armor.
  • Protection V: Protection enchantment reduces any damage by 4%. This is a must-have Minecraft armor enchantment. It is chestplate with all 4 armor pieces (helmet, chest, boots, and leggings) hence you should always add this enchantment in your list.

Leggings Enchantments

EnchantmentWeightWay(s) of Enchanting
Unbreaking III5Enchanting Table
Protection V10Enchanting Table
  • Unbreaking III: Unbreaking is the powerful enchantment, it doesn’t let losing the durability of your Leggings while you’re fighting with mobs. This keeps your Leggings safe in the long run. And of course, it will help you not to lose health. It effectively increased the overall armor durability.
  • Protection V: Protection enchantment reduces any damage by 4%. This is a must-have armor enchantment. It is Leggings with all 4 armor pieces (helmet, chest, boots, and leggings) hence you should always add this enchantment in your list.

Elytra Enchantments

EnchantmentWeightWay(s) of Enchanting
Unbreaking III5Enchanting Table
Mending2Enchantment Book and Anvil
  • Unbreaking III: Unbreaking is the powerful enchantment, it won’t let losing the durability of your Elytra while you’re fighting with mobs. This keeps your Elytra safe in the long run. And of course, it will help you not to lose health when you cause any damage. It effectively increased the overall armor durability.
  • Mending: One of the most important enchantments in Minecraft is Mending. If you want to make your armor more durable so that they can last as long as possible, then you should have a Mending in enchantment guide. It repairs the item you wear via grindstones or crafting also restore their durability.

Best Sword Enchantments

Best Sword Enchantments
EnchantmentWeightWay(s) of Enchanting
Unbreaking III5Enchanting Table
Mending2Enchanting Table
Sweeping Edge III2Enchanting Table
Sharpness V2Enchantment Book and Anvil
Looting III2Enchanting Table
Smite 5Enchanting Table
  • Unbreaking III: Reduces the durability of the swords when it is being used becomes a bit weak. The rate of reducing the durability of the Sword gradually decreases.
  • Mending: Repair the Sword when if it had its durability reduced. Restoring done via crafting or grindstones with the collected orbs. The rate of repairing is 2 durability per XP. In other words, your XP points would be used for repairing the items if it had some damage to make it again usable.
  • Sweeping Edge III: It increases the Sword’s attack damage by 75%. This is one is effective that dealt with mobs by each hit by swipe attack.
  • Sharpness V: Increases the rate of damage from the melee attack.
  • Looting III: Increases the amount of loot collected from the monster you defeated. Highly chances to get more items that can drop from mobs.
  • Smite: Smite is best the enchantment applied to a sword. It increases the damage to undead monsters.

Best Bow Enchantments

EnchantmentWeightWay(s) of Enchanting
Unbreaking III5Enchanting Table
Power V10Enchanting Table
Puch II2Enchanting Table
Flame2Enchanting Table
Looting III2Enchanting Table
Infinity1Enchanting Table
  • Unbreaking III: Reduces the durability of the Bow when it is being used becomes a bit weak. The rate of reducing the durability of the Bow gradually decreases.
  • Power V: This enchantment only applied to the Bow and crossbow. It increases your arrow damage.
  • Puch II: Another Bow enhancement that increases the arrow’s knockback. It deals more damage when you hit a mob with an arrow.
  • Flame: The fire on arrows! through this, you can fire the flaming arrows on your enemies to give more damage.
  • Looting III: Increases the amount of loot collected from the monster you defeated. Highly chances to get more items that can drop from mobs.
  • Smite: Smite is best the enchantment applied to a sword. It increases the damage to undead monsters.

Best Crossbow Enchantments

EnchantmentWeightWay(s) of Enchanting
Unbreaking III5Enchanting Table
Quick Charge III5Enchanting Table
Multishot2Enchanting Table
Mending2Enchanting Table
  • Unbreaking III: Reduces the durability of the Crossbow when it is being used becomes a bit weak. The rate of reducing the durability of the Crossbow gradually decreases.
  • Quick Charge III: It reduces the reloading time of your crossbow. You can fire more arrows without taking long breaks. Good for decreasing the crossbow charging time.
  • Multishot: If you’re fighting with the group of mobs then Multishot is must have enchantment. It Shoots 3 arrows at the cost of one, only one arrow can be recovered. Multishot is mutually exclusive with the Piercing.
  • Mending: If you want to make your Crossbow more durable so that they can last as long as possible, then you should have a Mending in enchantment guide. It repairs the item you wear via grindstones or crafting also restores their durability through collected experience orbs.

Best Fishing Rod Enchantments

Best Fishing Rod Enchantments
EnchantmentWeightWay(s) of Enchanting
Lure III2Enchanting Table
Luck of the Sea III2Enchanting Table
  • Lure III: Reduces the waiting time for catching the fish. This enchantment is good if you want to save your time if do a lot of Fishing in Minecraft.
  • Luck of the Sea III: Tired of getting always junks instead of Fish while doing fishing? Try the Luck of the Sea enhancement. It increases the probability of catching the fish and good loot rather than junk items

Best Trident Enchantments

Best Trident Enchantments
EnchantmentWeightWay(s) of Enchanting
Unbreaking III5Enchanting Table
Impaling V2Enchanting Table
Channeling 1Enchanting Table
Loyalty III 5Enchantment Book and Anvil
Mending2Enchanting Table
  • Unbreaking III: Reduces the durability of the Bow when it is being used becomes a bit weak. The rate of reducing the durability of the Bow gradually decreases.
  • Impaling V: Trident deals with additional damage to the monster that spawns naturally in the ocean. So if you encounter the underwater mob or aquatic mob ten Impailin enchantment is useful. It affects the land mobs
  • Channeling: This is something interesting enchantment in the game while having a fight with the monster. When you attack mobs with Trident, it strikes down a lightning bolt onto the monster, So it deals with additional damage of Trident + Lighting bolt.
  • Loyalty III: This enchantment makes your Trident like Thor’s Axe or MJOLNIR. When you throw the Trident., Loyalty enchantment brings it back to you automatically. Its name describes it best.
  • Mending: Repair the Trident when if it had its durability reduced. Restoring done via crafting or grindstones with the collected orbs. The rate of repairing is 2 durability per XP. In other words, your XP points would be used for repairing the items if it had some damage to make it again usable.

Best PickAxe, Shovel & Axe Enchantments

Best PickAxe, Shovel & Axe Enchantments
EnchantmentWeightWay(s) of Enchanting
Unbreaking III5Enchanting Table
Efficiency V2Enchanting Table
Sharpness V (Axe Only)1Enchanting Table
Fortune III2Enchantment Book and Anvil
Mending2Enchanting Table
  • Unbreaking III: Reduces the durability of the Bow when it is being used becomes a bit weak. The rate of reducing the durability of the Bow gradually decreases.
  • Efficiency V: Increase the harvesting speed of material.
  • Sharpness V (Axe Only): This enchantment can only be applied to Axe. Sharpness obviously increases the damage of the Axe which is better than the Sword.
  • Fortune III: Fortune increases the chances of special item drops. It can be applied to Axe, Pickaxe, and Shovel.
  • Mending: Repair the Axe/Pickaxe/Shovel when if it had its durability reduced. Restoring done via crafting or grindstones with the collected orbs. The rate of repairing is 2 durability per XP. In other words, your XP points would be used for repairing the items if it had some damage to make it again usable.

Some Final Words

So this was the best Minecraft Enchantments guide for Armor, Swords, Axe Shovel and etc. I hope you find this guide useful and now you have the intellectual choice to select which enchantment is profitable for you to survive in the game more easily. If you liked this post, do share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Minecraft communities. Subscribe to Engamez for more useful Minecraft guides just like this one.