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Why Should You Automate Your Onboarding Process and How to Do It Correctly?

Since you’re the HR manager of a growing company, repetitive onboarding tasks like documentation, reminders, and answering common questions start feeling like an extra set of responsibilities. When it comes to saving time, inconsistencies arise, and your new hire experience suffers.

However, there is a better way to simplify and streamline these tasks, something that ensures efficiency, quality, and a more seamless new hire experience. We’re discussing automated onboarding processes that are more consistent, time-efficient, improve onboarding workflow, and are a better way to introduce and keep new hires.

Here are a few simple tips and strategies to consider as you begin automating your onboarding processes. But before that, you must have deep knowledge of onboarding automation. 

What Exactly Is Onboarding Automation?

Onboarding automation creates a structured experience that helps guide your new employees through every step of your onboarding process without any manual processing. It necessitates a one-time setup for procedures.

This not only saves time for your HR department but also improves the first perception new employees have of your company. With such additional benefits, many recruits see automation as a much more personalized and authentic option for getting assistance with their problems.

Why should you automate onboarding?

Why should you automate onboarding?

Enters employee information automatically

An automated onboarding process allows you to collect all of the new employees’ necessary data. It includes their compensation, pending and accrued paid vacations, job location, and so on.

Enters employee information automatically

Human error is eliminated by automatically updating the information in any of your record systems, such as accounting software. They allow you to generate accurate employee reports on demographics, payroll, and job history on the go.

Documentation is processed more quickly.

You can start the documentation process before your new employee’s first day with an automated onboarding process. This allows them to spend more time on introductions, 1-on-1 interactions, and connecting with their colleagues.

Documentation is processed more quickly.

The less time they spend on documentation, the more time they will have to concentrate on their work. You can create welcome boxes with all of the documents like employee contracts, handbooks, policies, and so on. They can go over it ahead of time and clear up any confusion before they begin working.

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Makes the new employee feel more comfortable and welcomed

Employers are now creating personalized welcome packages to retain new employees. In this case, automation is crucial in creating the ideal company image. By using automated systems, you can collect employee details such as their preferred styles of clothing, office equipment customization, and much more.

This ensures that you are well and completely ready for your new hire’s first day. To create a lasting first impression, all the welcome gifts and packages can be delivered smoothly.

Increases new employee engagement

The majority of new hires believe that getting a response from HR takes too long. This occurs when HR departments are overburdened with paperwork and redundant administrative tasks. By automating these processes, they will have more time to concentrate on what matters most: reaching out and being a valuable resource for new talent.

Automation frees up your HR managers’ time for more important tasks such as answering new hire questions, trying to coordinate more outgoing communication, and creating a FAQ repository.

Provides you with useful feedback

This not only allows you to provide a consistent experience, but it also allows you to identify any errors made by your employees. Many businesses today use AI software that excels at predicting, trying to identify, and addressing problems before they occur.


When you think of automation, the first thing that comes to mind is whether it will separate us from other humans. You may wonder if it restricts human interactions, particularly during these remote times.

On the other hand, despite what people think, automation increases opportunities for people to interact and build connections. Most simple concerns and tasks are managed automatically when your onboarding process is automated.

Automation liberates your team’s time from redundant administrative tasks, allowing you to spend your valuable time on meaningful conversations rather than repetitive conferences or manual invitations.